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How Sleep Apnea and Snoring Affect Your Oral Health

Aug 08, 2023

While the primary focus of sleep apnea and snoring treatment is to improve breathing during sleep, it is equally essential to consider the impact these conditions can have on one's oral health. Both sleep apnea and snoring can potentially lead to various dental problems, impacting overall well-being and quality of life. The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ PC strives to provide comprehensive care to patients suffering from sleep apnea, snoring, and TMJ issues, ensuring optimal treatment outcomes by addressing all the multifaceted effects of these conditions.

In this article, we will delve into the lesser-known side of sleep apnea and snoring — their impact on oral health. We will explore the potential dental complications that may arise from these conditions and discuss preventative measures and treatment options to maintain a healthy mouth and restful sleep simultaneously.

Sleep Apnea 

It is estimated that over 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, with snoring affecting even more individuals. Consequently, addressing the oral health implications of these conditions is crucial for promoting overall wellness. Sleep apnea and snoring can contribute to several dental concerns, including bruxism (teeth grinding), dry mouth, and even tooth decay and gum disease. 

Understanding the connection between sleep disorders and these oral health issues can help patients and their healthcare teams devise effective treatment strategies tailored to their unique needs.

In the following sections, we will further investigate the impact of sleep apnea and snoring on oral health, helping patients to better understand the importance of a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to their care. Together with the guidance of skilled professionals like Dr. Wilson and the team at The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ PC, patients can work towards healthier sleep and improved oral health.

The Oral Health Consequences of Sleep Apnea and Snoring

The side effects of sleep apnea and snoring often extend beyond restless nights and daytime fatigue. These conditions can have a direct impact on your oral health, potentially leading to several dental complications. Let us explore three primary oral health issues associated with sleep apnea and snoring:

  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): The disrupted breathing patterns associated with sleep apnea and snoring can lead to increased stress on your jaw, facial muscles, and teeth. This stress can result in bruxism, a condition characterized by the grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep. Over time, bruxism can cause tooth damage, enamel wear, tooth sensitivity, and even temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues.
  • Dry Mouth: Sleep apnea and snoring often cause individuals to sleep with their mouths open, leading to excessive drying of the mouth. Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining the oral environment and preventing tooth decay and gum disease by neutralizing acid and supporting the remineralization process. With reduced saliva production during sleep, the oral environment becomes more vulnerable to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum inflammation.
  • Tooth Decay and Gum Disease: Both bruxism and dry mouth can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease by creating an environment that fosters bacterial growth. Additionally, excessive grinding can severely wear down tooth enamel, weakening the teeth and making them more susceptible to decay.

Preventative Measures to Protect Your Oral Health

Protecting your oral health is vital for maintaining overall well-being, particularly when dealing with sleep apnea or snoring issues. Below are several preventative measures you can take:

  • Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene: Brushing at least twice daily for two minutes, flossing daily, and using an antibacterial mouthwash can help remove plaque and reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day and using a humidifier at night can help alleviate dry mouth symptoms and support healthy saliva production.
  • Regular Dental Checkups: Schedule routine dental visits and cleanings to identify potential oral health concerns and address them before they worsen. Inform your dentist about your sleep apnea or snoring condition, as they can suggest appropriate treatments and monitor your oral health accordingly.
  • Managing Stress: Since teeth grinding can be exacerbated by stress, incorporating stress management techniques such as mindfulness exercises, yoga, and deep breathing can help reduce tension and minimize grinding or clenching during sleep.

Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea, Snoring, and Oral Health Issues

The combined expertise of sleep and TMJ specialists can help you better manage sleep apnea, snoring, and resulting oral health concerns. Some potential treatment options include:

  • Oral Appliance Therapy: Oral appliances are custom-fit devices specifically designed to reposition the jaw and tongue during sleep to maintain an open airway. These appliances can effectively reduce sleep apnea symptoms, decrease snoring, and alleviate bruxism by minimizing the tension on the jaw and teeth.
  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy: A CPAP machine delivers a continuous flow of air through a mask, maintaining a constant air pressure in the upper airway to prevent obstructions and ensure seamless breathing during sleep. By addressing the root cause of sleep apnea and snoring, CPAP therapy can contribute to improved oral health over time.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: Misaligned teeth or bite issues can contribute to both sleep apnea and TMJ disorders. In such cases, orthodontic treatment options like braces or clear aligners can help correct the underlying problem and improve oral health.
  • Behavioral Therapy and Lifestyle Changes: Establishing good sleep habits, avoiding alcohol and sedatives close to bedtime, and sleeping on your side can help reduce sleep apnea symptoms and snoring while promoting overall oral health.

The Role of Comprehensive, Coordinated Care

The connection between sleep apnea, snoring, and oral health emphasizes the importance of comprehensive, coordinated care. At The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ PC, our team of experts collaborates with patients' primary care physicians to develop tailored treatment plans that address the interconnected aspects of these conditions.

By employing a multidisciplinary approach, we ensure that patients receive the essential preventative measures, diagnostic evaluations, and treatment options necessary to optimize their sleep and oral health.


Sleep apnea and snoring not only disrupt restful sleep and daily functioning but can also have a profound impact on oral health. By understanding the connection between these conditions and taking proactive measures to maintain proper oral hygiene, you can reduce the risk of dental complications and promote overall well-being.

At The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ PC, our team is committed to providing comprehensive treatment solutions for patients suffering from sleep apnea, snoring, and TMJ disorders. Don't let these issues take a toll on your oral health — contact our team of experts for a personalized, results-driven approach to sleep apnea treatment for enhanced sleep quality and a healthier smile! 


Our blog articles serve to educate readers about various treatment options for sleep apnea and TMJ disorders. It's important to understand that while we discuss multiple treatments in our posts, not all of these options may be accessible at our clinic. We encourage you to reach out and schedule a consultation with us. This way, we can carefully devise a personalized treatment plan that caters to your specific needs. 

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